No Man´s Sky ORIGINS – SOL 001

So, I´m back.
After two years, exploring NMS worlds is fun and exciting once again. As you can see from the initial “photographs” I took while trying out the new ORIGINS update, awesome planetary landscapes are a thing once again.
By the way, the VR option in this game is out of this world and so take a look at these images below and now imagine seeing them in an outstanding virtual reality simulation. The VR worlds in NMS are way better than you can imagine.
Overall NMS is a brand new exciting game. The new ORIGINS update really changed everything for the better in ways that I even hadn´t thought about it.
It improves the original feel and now also has a ton of game play stuff to cater to those who need something to do in the game; (not me). I don´t even care for multi-play.
Me, I just like to walk and take photographs.
The new world variation in NMS is fantastic and there´s a ton of new alien landscapes awaiting me to “photograph” them and share them in this blog.
The following pics are my first taken inside the game in two years. I´ve reset my “SOLs” and we are going to start from SOL 0001 simply because NMS is now a brand new game.
Welcome back travelers.
Come walk with me once again.

You might be wondering why a new post after 2 years of silence here in this blog. The reason for my absence was because I used to love No Man´s Sky before they came up with the 2018 update called “NEXT” (and subsequent updates) which although they brought a ton of new excellent game play features to the game, that resulted in the developers actually pulling back on the original scale of the game ( to make room for the new game play stuff ) and to me that was the worst. What I loved about NMS was the exploration feeling and that had been mostly removed from the game.
Where before “NEXT” , No Man´s Sky had the most outstanding epic alien landscapes featuring improvements on its original 2016 world generation routine , (which you can see in the old posts on this blog), once “NEXT” came in, not only the scale of the landscapes was reduced but also the planets became mostly empty, “flat” and filled with boring open spaces between predictable terrain features, which simply took all the exploration fun from the game up until August of 2020.
I mostly stopped playing the game because the planets were no longer worth exploring and thus this blog went into hibernation because NMS after “NEXT” no longer had the outstanding original alien worlds and therefore its universe was not that fun to explore anymore.
It´s now 2020, and a few days ago “NO MAN´S SKY – ORIGINS” new update came out and WOW !
Not all Hello Games have restored the original planets scale but they´ve added a ton of new features and better than I speak about them you should go read their ORIGINS release notes on the NMS SITE. And check out the other amazing update released before Origins, called “DESOLATION” and where we had a good hint that really cool major changes were about to restore NMS to his original glory when it comes to atmosphere and sense of exploration and adventure.

On the left – 2018 NEXT Update – a typical Snow Planet / On the right – 2020 ORIGINS Update – one of the outstanding variations you can now find on the “same”/”typical” – Snow Planet. The scale is evident, ( take a look at the little astronaut in the left corner on top of the alien plant ).

One of the reasons I find NMS so appealing even when I just couldn´t care less about its game play features is the fact that NMS to me is more than a game. It´s an actual creative tool.
Because I´m a professional illustrator ( which deals a lot in creating imaginary landscapes, a game like NMS is an incredible unexpected creative tool, not only to plan my own visual compositions ( playing with the NMS camera to compose my shots for the “photos”) , but it also helps me a lot when it comes to plan for color and light within my own illustrations or concept art. In fact some of the new NMS can be so incredible that some actual resemble more watercolor or acrylic illustrations than something generated within a game.
Outstanding work Hello Games.

SOL 0017 – B.N. (Before NEXT)


If you would like for me to photograph your base or your favorite planet, I´ll find a Portal and I will come to visit you.
Post your location coordinates on the comments section below, send me a private message with details through my site or use the contact form on this blog to reach me with specifics. 😉


My favorite from SOL 0013

One thing that No Man´s Sky does not do very well yet is to convey that sense of forest with natural trees as the graphics on those planets tend not to look that natural. But now and then when these are combined with snow planets they actually can work depending on the way the sun is lighting the scene. I noticed this when I landed my spaceship here and I thought the whole composition looked rather atmospheric.



If you would like for me to photograph your base or your favorite planet, I´ll find a Portal and I will come to visit you.
Post your location coordinates on the comments section below, send me a private message with details through my site or use the contact form on this blog to reach me with specifics. 😉