SOL 0017 – B.N. (Before NEXT)


If you would like for me to photograph your base or your favorite planet, I´ll find a Portal and I will come to visit you.
Post your location coordinates on the comments section below, send me a private message with details through my site or use the contact form on this blog to reach me with specifics. 😉


My favorite from SOL 0008

One of the most amazing things that No Man´s Sky does very well is to create the sence of larger than life natural worlds. Particularly with this misty sky scenes NMS can really pull off the illusion that these planets are real. The epic feel, the vast distances , it´s all there along with the mystery that makes us want to see just a little bit more of what could be behind that mountain…and that other one… and the other one…



If you would like for me to photograph your base or your favorite planet, I´ll find a Stargate and I will come to visit you.
Post your location coordinates on the comments section below, send me a private message with details through my site or use the contact form on this blog to reach me with specifics. 😉